- Details
- Written by: Miodrag
- Category: Monkey
- Hits: 12890
Monkey's awake mind causes him to be simultaneously involved with several different projects. Sometimes he seems to be little entangled, but in the end he comes out of every situation as a winner. With his elocvence he is able to convince even the greatest skeptics.
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- Written by: Miodrag
- Category: Monkey
- Hits: 14881
You're a woman who wants to live her freedom to the fullest, before you engage in a serious relationship. When you use your charm, no man can resist. But you do not give your heart easy and only a few people have the privilege to know what hides in a lady wearing casual clothes who quickly changes her moods.
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- Written by: Miodrag
- Category: Monkey
- Hits: 10134
You are the type of man who can literally hypnotize his chosen one with kind words and dreamy look in his eyes. Sometimes you may sound like a grandstander, but a man of your size can actually afford that.
- Details
- Written by: Miodrag
- Category: Monkey
- Hits: 8953
According to the Chinese horoscope your life motto is: Life is a game, which is, if properly played, very much fun. Whoever takes this material life on Earth seriously, is self to blame.