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- Written by: Miodrag
- Category: Rabbit
- Hits: 11314
Rabbits know how to achieve their goals, but unlike some other zodiac signs, they do so in a diplomatic way. Family and children always come first with them, and they would gladly give up on their own well-being for their sake of the family.
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- Written by: Miodrag
- Category: Rabbit
- Hits: 11970
You put a lot effort into making your house feel like home: cosy, warm and welcoming. You are a perfect housewife and love having your family and friends over.
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- Written by: Miodrag
- Category: Rabbit
- Hits: 13086
You have a great talent for public performance and can easily sweep the crowd off their feet. You have the rare ability to find the right words at the right time.
- Details
- Written by: Miodrag
- Category: Rabbit
- Hits: 11214
According to the Chinese horoscope it would be wrong to characterize you as a timid baby rabbit. But you are also not the loud and noticeable showoff. Your natural environment is the background, where you can quietly an reliabley perform your duties, enjoying security.